
The Water INTERface IGEP offers the following courses to its students, which lead to an Interdisciplinary Water and Health Sciences Certificate. The courses are available to students from any department and program.
GRAD 5134 Interdisciplinary Research
(3 cr.) In-depth coverage of significant research questions and topics including social/ecological aspects of water consumption, role of water in controlling disease and promoting optimal health, public perceptions of water quality, and water re-use; all topics require interdisciplinary expertise, methodologies, and analysis. Students will learn about how to work effectively in interdisciplinary resarch teams which address water research challenges and solutions.
GRAD 5974 or CEE, FST, HNFE 5974 Independent Study
(1-3 cr.) Any Water INTERface affiliated faculty may supervise this independent study laboratory experience. The course is designed to build skills and knowledge in water research methodology exploration in a discipline outside the student's primary discipline.
IGEP 6004 Water for Health Seminar
(1 cr.) Through interactive presentations and discussions of articles from disciplinary and interdisciplinary sources, students and faculty will explore potable water treatment, factors influencing water-borne infectious diseases, the need of the human body for water, nutrients presence or absence from tap and bottled water, choices in selecting waters or other beverages, and implications of engineering treatments and promotion of human health.
Ethics Courses
The Water INTERface IGEP also offers several different ethics courses for its students:
- GEOG 5134 / GEOS 5844 Advanced Interdisciplinary Issues or Ethics in Water Resources (3 cr)
- FST/BMVS/CHEM 5094 Grant Writing and Ethics (3 cr)
- LDRS 5454 Leadership Foundations for Diverse Contexts (3 cr)
- CEE 5804 Engineering Ethics and the Public (3 cr)