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Clay Ferguson

Clay Ferguson headshot

Clay Ferguson is a PhD student in the Food Science and Technology department at Virginia Tech and a fellow with the Water INTERface IGEP. He previously completed his B.Sc. in Fisheries Conservation at Virginia Tech and decided to stick around to further his education. Clay’s research is focused on exploring and improving-upon the use of human consumption to suppress invasive Asian carp in the Mississippi River system. Clay hails grew up in Huddleston, Virginia and enjoys observing and learning from wildlife, practing subsistence and recreation hunting and fishing, preparing and cooking wild game, farming, woodworking, and running in his free time. After graduating Clay hopes to find a career focused on commercial fisheries policy and management where he can continue advocating for the revitalization of small-scale fisheries to reclaim resiliency in marginalized communities.  

You can find more info about Clay on his LinkedIn page.